Celebrate Lent with St. Matthew’s

Sunday Worship - 9:30 AM

Children’s Sunday School - 9:30 AM

Ash Wednesday - 3/5; 7 PM

ASH WEDNESDAY - Wednesday, March 3rd

Jesus sets out for Jerusalem. Luke 9:51-62
The “would-be followers” (as the NRSVUE calls them) have good intentions. They want to follow Jesus, but Jesus calls them to put their money where their mouths are. Somewhere between good intentions and impulsive action lies discipleship. On Ash Wednesday, we make a commitment to align our intentions and our actions.

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Holy Week & Easter 2025

Holy Week Schedule

Palm Sunday: 4/13 - 9:30 AM

Holy Thursday: 4/17 - 7 PM

Stations of the Cross: 4/18 - 12 - 4 PM

Good Friday Tenebrae: 4/18 - 7 PM

Children’s Egg Hunt: 4/19 - 11 AM

Easter Sunrise Service: 4/20 - 6:10 AM
Valley Forge Park

Easter Sunday: 4/20 - 9:30 AM


Fasting is defined as a willing abstinence, usually regarding food, but it does not have to be. One could fast from words that pollute – feast on words that purify. One could fast from speaking – spending the time in silent meditation and reflection.

This year, St. Matthew’s is offering an opportunity for people to participate in a 40-hour fast that begins at 6 pm Thursday, April 17th before the Maundy Thursday service. Those interested will meet in the Activities Room to reflect on the value of fasting and be guided by words of counsel and encouragement by Pastor John. Materials regarding how to fast will be distributed. The group will then meet on Saturday, April 19th at noon at a local restaurant to break the fast. We will share our experiences with one another.

Fasting is a spiritual discipline that draws the participants into a time of attentiveness and compassion. When fasting with fellow Christians, a connectedness binds and lifts those involved. There are no ‘hard and fast’ rules to this practice and individuals may adapt the fast to meet individual needs, medical or otherwise. So please consider joining us on this journey.

Any questions, contact Jennifer Vastardis (484-274-0284).