Children & Youth


St. Matthew's Sunday School is designed to provide your children with the building blocks of Christianity while you enjoy worship service at the same time.

9:30 AM - In-person

Designed for Ages Kindergarten - 8th grade
Offered September - May of each year

On Communion Sundays (1st Sunday of the month) children are encouraged to stay in service with their parents so they may partake in Communion. There are interactive bulletins and activity packets available for the children's use on these Sundays.

If you are interested in volunteering with Sunday School, email Caitlin, our Director of Education, at


Every Sunday morning during worship, a Children's Message is given by one of our volunteers. This is a time for children to come to the altar during worship for a short lesson.  Parents and guardians are welcome to come up front to sit with a small or shy child. This way, children are given the chance to experience a full worship service that includes communion.

If you are interested in giving a Children’s Message, email Caitlin, our Director of Education, at


Nursery care is available for infants through age three to be cared for while their adult attends worship. However, children of any age are always welcome to attend the worship services.


Youth Group at St. Matthews is propelled by the vision of the church to help our youth Gather, Grow, & Go. We do this by gathering together regularly, growing our faith, and going out to share the love we receive.

We believe that the youth are not only the future of the church, but the present reality of how Christ is moving and alive today in our world. As such, we strive to take seriously the needs of students and parents while creating space for fun and friendship. We aim to treat students like the growing people they are and to join them and parents on their journey of life, faith, and in their personal connection with the church.

Please join us on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month at 6pm, and bring a friend!

Designed for students in 6th - 12th grade
Offered September - May of each year

For more information, or if you are interested in volunteering with our youth, contact Caitlin, our Director of Education, at

Youth Group Events

April 13 - NO YG: Spring Break!

April 27th - Glow in the Dark Easter Egg Hunt

Join us for an exciting glow in the dark Easter Egg Hunt! Bring your own basket and be ready to search intently for eggs containing candy and other prizes.

(donations of glow in the dark plastic eggs and nut-free candy for this event are welcome. Please contact Caitlin at for more information)


St Matthew’s is partnering with Berwyn UMC and Paoli UMC to offer a confirmation class to the youth of our congregations. The class will meet late Sunday afternoons (4 pm) beginning mid February and continuing through the spring. Confirmation is designed to teach the basics of the Christian faith and United Methodism to our youth. Any youth in the 7th grade or higher is welcome to participate. Please contact Pastor John by email:, or phone: 610-688-7055, with questions or to sign up.