Altar Flowers

If you would like to order flowers to be placed on the altar in honor of, or in memory of someone special, please email Pam Miller at You may also:


Complete the Flower Order Form and place in the Flowers mail slot in the office along with your check or cash payment.


Mail the completed form with a check (details on the Flower Order Form).


Through the Online Giving Portal, you can safely make a payment.


If you wish to order a poinsettia to place on the altar during the Hanging of the Greens service on Dec. 1st, please sign up in the lobby or contact Pam Miller at or 610-574-4291. The first 12 to sign up will bring the plant to the altar during the HOG service. Any additional signups will have plants delivered and placed on the altar on Christmas Eve.

Orders are due by November 24th. The cost is $13.50/each. Payment can be placed in the offering plate or mailed to the church in one of the following ways: Cash (in an envelope with your name and poinsettia written on it); Check (made out to St. Matthew's UMC with poinsettia on the memo line); or Online (designate flowers).