Small Groups - Winter 2025

Small Groups are short-term programs that the community can come together in Fellowship.
If you are interested in a small group or have questions, please contact one of the group facilitators or the church office at or 610-688-7055.

PEP (People Enjoying People)

April 5th - A Night in France – ooh la la. Join us for another trip around the world as we host an evening of French food, a French movie and perhaps there will even be dancing . . . cancan anyone?

If interested, contact Jennifer Vastardis at


On Sunday mornings at 10:45 am, Pastor John leads our Adult Sunday School which functions as a small group. Participants explore various books of the Bible and studies on spirituality and Christian discipleship. Recent topics include:

  • The Gospel of Matthew

  • Everywhere is Jerusalem

  • Wrestling with Doubt

The group meets in the church activities room and also offers a Zoom link for those who need to participate remotely. Please contact Pastor John for more information.

Facilitators: John Bletsch:

Facilitator: Jennifer Vastardis:

A Men’s Bible Study, led by Bill Lloyd, is offered after worship in the Church Library. We share Joys & Concerns for our families and discuss one or two chapters of the Bible each week.

These familiar stories come from both the Old and New Testament and provide wonderful lessons that we can share with our children, grandchildren as well as our St. Matthew’s family of Godchildren in our daily lives. Wherever you are in your life’s journey, . . . this Men’s Bible Study will provide opportunities to bear rich fruit in the hearts and lives of Christian children and teens as you help introduce or go deeper in relating these stores of Bible History as they grow in their faith. Please email Bill Lloyd at to be included on the weekly email list to find out about our upcoming Scripture passages or just stop by Sunday morning.

Study will begin January 5th.

Facilitator: Bill Lloyd:


Confronting the Controversies - A seven-session group study of “tough issues” based on Adam Hamilton’s sermons on these topics. The seven sessions are:

(1) The Separation of Church and State

(2) Creation and Evolution in the Public Schools

(3) The Death Penalty

(4) Euthanasia

(5) Prayer in Public Schools

(6) Abortion

(7) Homosexuality

Participants will gather in the Activities Room to discuss what they learned and for the final 30 minutes, Pastor John will join us to answer any questions we may have from our reading and discussion.

Class dates: 3/17 – 4/28 at 1:30 PM. Email Jennifer Vastardis if interested in participating.

Facilitators: John Bletsch:

Facilitator: Jennifer Vastardis: