PEP event: Name that Tune
The next PEP event is on Saturday, March 8th at 7 pm featuring an evening of music and memories . . . testing your ability to recall the name of songs that span the past six decades with your favorites undoubtedly included.
Snacks, beverages and prizes will be available. Gather your friends and family members and sign up for an evening of fun.
Please sign up in the church lobby.
God Works from the Inside Out Spring Lesson 2
Join us in a series of parent workshops to discuss the nature of emotion through the lens of the two Inside Out films. Our experienced workshop leaders (Pastor John Bletsch and Dr. Anne Law) will integrate a spiritual and psychological approach to build a strengths-based approach to parenting.
During the time devoted to the parent workshop there will be simultaneous programming for elementary (K-4th) and youth group age children (5th-12th). Childcare for children younger than kindergarten will be provided. For more information and to register.
Endowment Information Session & Dinner
Over the years since its creation, the St. Matthew’s UMC Endowment has helped to fund new ministries that have allowed our church to grow in vitality and faithfulness. The most recent example is the installation of cameras and sound upgrades that enable us to live-stream our worship services in the sanctuary.
Join us on March 18 from 5-7 pm in the church fellowship hall for a light dinner to learn more about our church’s endowment and how we can support it as we move into the next era of our church’s life. The Mid-Atlantic United Methodist Foundation will be on hand to share information and resources on how our gifts and generosity can strengthen our endowment. There is no cost for the meal but please register so we have an accurate count for the meal.
God Works from the Inside Out Spring Lesson 3
Join us in a series of parent workshops to discuss the nature of emotion through the lens of the two Inside Out films. Our experienced workshop leaders (Pastor John Bletsch and Dr. Anne Law) will integrate a spiritual and psychological approach to build a strengths-based approach to parenting.
During the time devoted to the parent workshop there will be simultaneous programming for elementary (K-4th) and youth group age children (5th-12th). Childcare for children younger than kindergarten will be provided. For more information and to register.
Vacation Bible School
DATE: July 10 – 13, 2023
COST: $40 per child
Ages 3 (potty trained) - entering 5th Grade
Worship Service - Mardi Gras Sunday
Join us on 3/2 for our annual Jazz Mardi Gras service featuring Joe Smith on reeds, and stay after for our Jazz Coffeehouse.
God Works From the Inside Out Spring Lesson 1
Join us in a series of parent workshops to discuss the nature of emotion through the lens of the two Inside Out films. Our experienced workshop leaders (Pastor John Bletsch and Dr. Anne Law) will integrate a spiritual and psychological approach to build a strengths-based approach to parenting.
During the time devoted to the parent workshop there will be simultaneous programming for elementary (K-4th) and youth group age children (5th-12th). Childcare for children younger than kindergarten will be provided. For more information and to register.